Looking for the perfect ukulele gift? Flight has you covered! We’ve curated a special selection…

U CAN UKE Signature Ukulele Release
U Can Uke Signature Ukulele Story
Flight is proud to announce the newest signature ukulele model, the TUC-UCU, in collaboration with YouTube Channel, U Can Uke.
We especially love the story behind the design of this ukulele. Earlier this year, Matt from UCU hosted a contest where subscribers and fans could submit a ukulele design and get involved with the composition of the signature model.
After sifting through the various submissions, the option that stood above the rest was the design from @yerjedi_draws. Her sketch was centered around a desert theme, featuring cacti and complimented with a background of mountains.
Growing up in the scenic desert of Arizona, this piece struck a personal chord with Matt, and a winner was determined.
How fitting then to reveal this uke with a climb amid the sharp colors of an Arizona sunrise.
Flight Travel Ukuleles have proven to be one of the best and most robust ukuleles that you can purchase. This U Can Uke signature piece will be Flight’s first ever concert-size travel ukulele. It features a neck and fingerboard made from ABS plastic – allowing the ukulele to be a durable and light option for travel, since it is not prone to any weather changes.
Matt quotes, “Playing the ukulele is like hiking a mountain: Both experiences consist of challenges and difficulties to navigate through. But when you don’t give up and continue on the journey, you will eventually gain a new perspective and level of confidence.”
We hope you’ll take your journey to another height with this brilliant signature ukulele.
For full product description, click here