On December 25th, 2024, the Pune Uke Club brought holiday cheer and ukulele magic to…
Highlights from ‘Virš Vaivorykštės’ Ukulele Competition
Flight Ukulele supported the exciting ‘Virš Vaivorykštės’ (Over the Rainbow) Ukulele competition at Tamsta Club in Lithuania. With 11 talented participants and 270 ukulele fans, the event was a hit! Flight Ukuleles were among the prizes, and a mini-shop showcased a cool range of them.
Winners were chosen by a team of 12 top-notch musicians. The first spot went to “Bombastic Eight“, followed by Milena Kriaučiūnaitė in second, and Laurynas Zaveckis in third. Big congrats to everyone for their awesome performances!
As we say goodbye to this year’s event, we’re excited to remember the good times and keep supporting the awesome ukulele community at Tamsta Club.
Summary of the event: