Flight Crew
Flight has made an intentional effort to build a community of players and has become a recognized brand throughout the ukulele world. The Flight Crew is a group of extremely talented, young, energetic musicians, teachers, and entertainers, who are not afraid of being bold and different. If you want to join the Flight Crew, you can apply here → Artist application!
Flight wouldn’t be the same without our Flighters, the people in our community, whether they are Flight ukulele owners or musicians with whom we’ve collaborate along the years. The Flight community is made up of ukulele players who share our mission of building this strong community of uke lovers from around the globe, with different levels and musical backgrounds.

Want to join the flight crew?
When looking for new Flight Crew members, we value uniqueness and skill over followers. Believe it or not, we look at our entire venture as creating an international family, and we see the Flight Crew as leaders and role models in our community.
- Artists that are passionate about music.
- Minimum level of experience with the ukulele.
- Individuals who are genuine and honest.
- Innovation! We love to see people experiment with new techniques on the uke.
- People who are unique and have a distinct voice/personality/style.
- Loyalty over sponsorships! We’re not here to simply give away free ukes. We’re building a team of artists that work hard to reach their music goals.
If you’re interested in joining the Flight Crew, you can fill out our application here → Artist application